Wednesday, November 30, 2011

V A hospital for south Texas Nov. 29, 2011

Senator John Cornyn agreed to attach his bill for a Full Medical Service Center at the Harlingen Veterans Affairs Surgical Center to the National Defense Authorization. He has obtained co-sponsorship from Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. We hope that these efforts prove successful.

Senator Cornyn in a previous Congressional Session had attached his bill as a rider Defense Authorization Budget Act, but it was not allowed. Maybe this time veterans will be more successful.

However, the senators’ local staff representatives have been meeting with veterans regarding suggestions and ideas on how to get legislation passed. These veteran suggestions were relayed to the respective Senator’s military and veterans aides. Cornyn’s S 396 went before the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee this past summer but was not voted on. It remains in that committee.

Here is the Press Release issued by the Senators.



United States Senators - Texas

For Immediate Release CONTACT: Megan Mitchell (Cornyn) (202) 224-0704

Jeff Nelligan (Hutchison), 202-224-9767

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sens. Cornyn, Hutchison Offer Amendment To Bring Inpatient VA Facility To The Valley

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sens. John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, today offered an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 that would require the U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs to incorporate a full-service inpatient health care facility into the existing South Texas Veterans Affairs Health Care Center in Harlingen.

Sens. Cornyn and Hutchison have introduced similar legislation in the past and continue to make the case for a VA inpatient facility in Far South Texas with top-ranking VA officials, as well as the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee (see attached). While the Senators have supported and welcomed expansions to outpatient and other services at the existing Harlingen VA facilities, they maintain that access to VA inpatient care still must be provided.

“This holiday season will see the return of tens of thousands of service members from locations across the globe, including the remaining 40,000 troops in Iraq who are winding down our nation’s 9-year mission there. Already, the growing population of 100,000 veterans in Far South Texas lacks adequate access to full-service inpatient health care, and further delay in providing this population with the local inpatient care they deserve is unacceptable. I will not give up the fight to make this inpatient facility a reality for the veterans of South Texas,” Sen. Cornyn said.

“A grateful nation cares for those who have answered the call to serve, even after they leave the battlefield,” said Sen. Hutchison. “The veterans of South Texas answered their nation’s call, and many of them went in harm’s way and risked everything for their country. This amendment will help to ensure that these South Texas veterans receive the care they deserve.”

The hospital issue is not dead. Veterans are still at it. It has been a long sought goal of many veterans and for once they feel that they have had an impact at the national level. Veterans must continue forward. All veterans that have been active in this movement should re-charge their batteries and once again make an all out push for a VA hospital for the area. Ana Garcia of Cornyn’s office has been very aggressive in committing the senator’s office to make every effort to move the issue. Communications with the Senator’s national office are via satellite and those sessions are the next best thing to being there. Veterans are counting on her continued full support.